Innovation is now recognized globally as the principal driver of growth, productivity and competitive business performance. That’s why companies everywhere are racing to build a sustainable capability for innovation that will continuously produce new value-creating products, services, strategies and business models.
However, experience has shown that turning innovation from a buzzword into a core competence requires a deep organizational transformation – one that impacts every single part of the company. That’s where Imagination Bridge provides expert assistance. Our exclusive focus around the world is on working with companies to make innovation an “all-the-time, everywhere” capability, using our integrated range of market-proven strategies, systems, services and tools to drive innovation to the core.
We often compare the journey to innovation excellence with the efforts companies have taken to embed other enterprise capabilities – such as lean manufacturing, customer service, and total quality management. Each of these transformations required a systematic, step-by-step approach and sustained commitment over time. Likewise, it takes time, effort and investment to institutionalize innovation across an organization, and it must be done systematically rather than as a start-stop, trial and error initiative.
Building an enterprise capability for innovation involves various organizational components, all which must be individually addressed but also integrated together for the system to function effectively. These components are:
The first step in our innovation embedment programs is to measure a company’s current capability across these four essential components. Then we put in place exactly what is required to build and sustain a deep enterprise capability for innovation.
Consulting ServicesImagination Bridge provides a completely integrated range of market-proven strategies, systems, services and tools to guide and enable your innovation journey
Innovation DiagnosticThis tool measures the current state of innovation inside your organization. Based on our sophisticated online survey, along with one-to-one interviews, the diagnostic identifies current strengths, performance gaps and obstacles to innovation.
Innovation RoadmapBased on conclusions from our diagnostic tool (above) the Innovation Roadmap provides you with a strategic plan for building a sustainable innovation capability, addressing all the critical organizational issues and key performance gaps.
Innovation ArchitectureThis tool creates a broad strategic rationale for your company’s innovation efforts— providing focus and clarity to your portfolio of ideas, and providing your organization with an aspirational vision of the future.
Innovation ProfilerThe Innovation Profiler is an online assessment tool for defining the innovation capabilities of individuals, as well as groups, helping you determine how to best use these resources in the context of your innovation process, and how people can improve their skills.
Innovation AcceleratorThis is a high-level management event designed to catalyze your innovation journey by building a shared understanding about how to make innovation happen in a systematic and sustainable way.
Innovation ConsultingOur advanced training programs will equip your people with the necessary skills and tools of innovation. They are designed to address every level of your organization: leadership, middle management, innovation mentors, and general employees
Innovation TrainingOur advanced training programs will equip your people with the necessary skills and tools of innovation. They are designed to address every level of your organization: leadership, middle management, innovation mentors, and general employees
Innovation WorkshopsUsing the “Four Lenses” methodology, we work with a team of your people to generate a portfolio of new insights and ideas around a strategic challenge of your choice. These workshops produce workable solutions and growth opportunities for the future of your business